Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Brother!

Le brother birthday today.. how I wish your wishes come true and wish you all the best!
I miss you. Mom and Dad love you!! <33


Sunday, February 24, 2013


something bad approaching as what i've predicted before (: my prediction never glance and will never be!
and now they blame me because i never tell them about this, but sorry, i did repeat it since kindergarten.

how i wish this can be the booster for them to give more affection to me at least just listen. i hope you can read this :(:

Monday, February 11, 2013

one precious month

I did say about my bro going home on my previous post. I spent a lots of time with him, like accompanying him to a new place at Medan. Nothing changed, he still my lovely, fiercely brother. We didn't have a really long conversation (commom thing anyway).

the last two picture was taken when my grandma's birthday.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

acoustic addicted

they're pretty much creative , check it out!

recommended me acoustic video maybe?

the lonely

have you ever felt like something is missing from you, but you don't know what it is? everyone revolved around you but you just feel alone like there is no hope for you to pursue your dreams and you feel like you have no courage to live your life.
feel like everyone is living me behind for some reason that i can't find a clue..